In a wide pan, combine milk powder, all-purpose flour, baking soda and butter.
Mix lightly. You will get a crumbly texture.
Pour milk, a teaspoon at a time, combine to make a dough. Do not knead lest the Jamuns will turn out hard.
In the mean while take oil in a kadai and heat on medium to low flame.
To continue - Grease palms and make balls from the dough. Remember that the Jamuns will swell upon absorbing the sugar syrup, so shape the Jamuns likewise.
Make the Jamuns in batches. For the first batch, form 6-8 Jamuns. Roll them really well with your palms to form smooth Jamuns.
Gently slide one Jamun in the hot oil. If you hear the oil softly sizzling around the Jamun, you can proceed to slide the other Jamuns into the kadai.
Deep fry them on low to medium flame. Patience is required throughout this step. At first the Jamuns will sink to the bottom, soon they will start to swell a bit and start floating.
Gently tap and turn the Jamuns so that they brown consistently all over.
When they are just brown enough, take them out from the oil and keep aside for some time.
Proceed in the same way for the next batch.
Gently plunge these Jamuns into the warm sugar syrup. Keep them covered. Let the syrup seep into Gulab Jamuns. Keep them on really low flame for 5 minutes. Do not overheat otherwise the gulab jamuns will start to split.
Turn off flame and leave undisturbed for 3-4 hours.
Serve and enjoy.
Gulab jamuns can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or more. Warm them before consuming.