Firstly, to roast the peanuts, keep them in a warm oven at 160 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you may dry roast on a skillet. Let them cool.
Secondly, grease working slab, spatula and knife.
Thirdly, in a wok or pan, warm a teaspoon of ghee and add the shredded jaggery 'gur'.
Stir and let the jaggery melt. Add in 2 teaspoons water to the jaggery.
Gradually, the jaggery will start to melt. Keep stirring so that jaggery gets heated uniformly. Keep a watchful eye.
The melted jaggery will change from light to darker colours.
After about two minutes of stirring with patience do the CHECK-TEST . For this drop some a few drops of melted jaggery in a bowl of water. If jaggery is soft and stretches, continue to heat the jaggery further. Do the check test again after a minute. Now if the melted jaggery forms a hard mass in the bowl of water, then proceed to add the peanuts. Otherwise repeat again till jaggery is shiny and hard. It breaks easily and is not sticky. This is the hard ball stage.
Finally, add the roasted peanuts. Put off the flame and combine the peanuts and melted jaggery till peanuts are coated well.
Transfer this peanut-jaggery mixture onto a greased surface.
Using greased hands and spatula, smoothen, shape and roll the chikki before it sets.
Cut into desired shapes. Let chikki cool down. Serve this for festive occasions.
Store the remaining in airtight container.