Saffron Panna cotta with Kiwi Coulis

Saffron Panna cotta with Kiwi Coulis Prep time: 10 mins Cooking Time:20 mins Total Time:30 mins mins + 5 hours for setting. Servings:6 persons   Panna Cotta in Italian means cooked cream. Saffron Panna Cotta with Kiwi Coulis is incredibly easy to make and looks very impressive as shot glass dessert. In this recipe of Saffron Panna cotta with Kiwi Coulis, […]

Dutch Mini Pancakes in Appe Pan

Dutch Mini Pancakes (Poffertjes)| How to make Dutch Mini Pancakes Prep time:10 minsCooking Time:25 mins Total Time:35 mins Servings:20-25 mini pancakes These Dutch mini Pancakes Poffertjes are fluffy, soft  and insanely addictive. Traditionally these pancakes are made in a Poffertjes pan and yeast is used for the batter. Here, I have done neither of these. But sure enough, there has […]

Seviyan/Vermicelli Mithai (With Evaporated Milk)

Seviyan/Vermicelli  Mithai (With Evaporated Milk) Prep time:10 mins Cooking Time:20 mins Total Time:30 mins Servings:around 15 pieces   Seviyan/Vermicelli Mithai is a scrumptious dessert/sweet that is quick to make for parties or festivals. Here in this recipe, just for a change evaporated milk has been used. Usually store bought condensed milk is used. As you bite into a piece of […]

Apple Slice Pancakes

Apple pancakes are a good and exciting breakfast for children. Apple pancakes can be made in several ways. Here I have sliced the apples and dipped into a cinnamon  pancake batter. The crispiness and juiciness of the apple slice inside complements the outer soft fluffy pancake. The saffron sauce will leave you licking your fingers. 

Dates/ Khajoor and Nuts Modak

Dates / Khajoor  and Nuts Modak is an integral sweet offered as ‘Prasad’ or Naivedyam to Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chahurthi. These modal are easy to make and do not contain any sugar except the natural sweetness from dates.  Dates contain fibre and antioxidants in addition to  several vitamins and minerals

Pasta & Mince Meatloaf

Pasta & Mince Meatloaf Prep time:15 mins Cooking Time:45 mins Total Time: 1 hour Servings:4 Pasta and Mince Meatloaf  is a delicious and healthy dish which is liked by people of all age groups. This dish has the flavours of vegetables, eggs, minced meat and herbs.  One can use mutton mince, chicken mince or turkey mince.  This recipe can be […]

Healthy Veggie Pizza

Veggie Pizza    Prep time: 1 hour 15 minsCooking Time:20 mins Total Time:1 hour 35 mins Servings: 4    Pizza…Pizza…  a  food that by now the whole world enjoys and embraces.  The sight of a pizza still brings water in our mouth. Yet some shun away from pizza saying it is.. calories loaded… and so forth!! Remember, much lies in our […]