Egyptian Karkade – Hibiscus Iced Tea

Karkadeh is a herbal tea made from infusion of fresh or dried calyces (sepals) of the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) flower. It has a tart, cranberry-like flavor. It is consumed both hot and cold. Its thirst-quenching effect makes it an excellent option for replacing aerated drinks in the hotter areas.

Karak Chai | Indian Tea Recipe

Karak Chai is a traditional tea of the Indian subcontinent comprising of dried tea leaves that are brewed to a dark color. To this, sugar and milk is added and simmered further to give a caramel color. Ginger or cardamom maybe added for subtle flavors but not mandatory. The perfect Karak Chai has a balance between the creaminess and caramel hue of the simmering tea.

Indian Lemonade – Nimbu Pani

Nimbu Pani is basically a refreshing thirst-quenching summer drink . It hydrates and balances the salts in your body. It is prepared with lime/lemon, water, salt and sugar. This lemonade gives instant energy and hydrates the body. It is a good source of Vitamin C and flushes out toxins from body. One can safely call it a magic drink for dehydration.

Jaljeera with Fresh Herbs | Imli Jaljeera Drink

Jal jeera drink is a popular cool refreshing drink of India. The Jaljeera recipe ingredients have many health benefits. One can make this Indian lemonade at home with fresh ingredients and spices or from instant Jal jeera powder. This spicy tamarind Jaljira water is also used for pani puri water.

Salted Mint Lassi | Namkeen Pudina Lassi

Salted Mint Lassi is a popular age -old refreshing yoghurt based summer drink. It is made by combining nutritious thirst-quenching ingredients.. Salted Mint Lassi is a popular age -old refreshing yoghurt based summer drink. It is made by combining nutritious thirst-quenching ingredients.. It shields you from the ghastly summer heat waves shields you from the ghastly summer heat waves

Pineapple Virgin Mojito

Pineapple Virgin Mojito Prep time: 15 min Cooking Time:25 mins Total Time: 40 mins Servings:6 Pineapple Virgin Mojito is a cool refreshing non alcoholic drink. This is an interesting concoction of freshness of pineapple and mint flavours. Tinned pineapple pieces can be swapped in if fresh pineapple is not available. Also vodka or rum can be added and this drink […]